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Softball Catcher with Gear


Preventative measures for sprains and strains include following an exercise program that strengthens the muscles and gradually increasing one’s exercise level. Using the proper equipment and gear will reduce the chance of injury. For example, braces or tape will restrict excess movement of body parts and ligaments. Follow warm up and cool down exercises to help stretch the muscles, increase flexibility, and reduce soft tissue injuries. One must maintain a healthy diet to nourish the muscles.



Proper training in a sport can help reduce the risk of fractures. Athletes who are well-trained have lower risk of fractures due to their fitness and bone strength. According to an article written about stress fractures, "...well-trained athletes may sustain a few stress fractures because they are fit and have an osseous system adaptation that has occurred over a long period of time" (Iwamoto and Takeda 2003). Wearing proper gear, such as helmets, footwear, and any other protective gear, can help protect the body.



Providing educational material about the harms of concussion if not taken care of properly to the athletes, parent, and athletic staff, to bring awareness of signs of possible concussions. Also changing the rules in some athletic competitions can reduce the number of sports-related concussions. When the National Collegiate Athletic Association made changes with head on tackling, the yearly numbers of head and neck injuries for football decreased by 50%.



Specialized training and the use of double upright braces could reduce and prevent a knee injury like an ACL tear. Also "conditioning offers potential benefit in at least 4 ways - increased ligament strength, decreased muscle fatigue, enhanced proprioception, and muscle strength balance" (Thacker, 2003). So, stability and strength training before the season and during can help make the knees stronger for planting and pivoting as well as, increase the athletes fitness. 

Football Game
Football Training on Astroturf

For more information to prevent sports related injuries

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